Cai Yinkun

Cai Yinkun, style name of Shendi, pseudonym of Mochu, Hui nationality, was born in 1963. He is now a full-time painter of Chengdu Art Academy, a member of China Artists Association, the director of Sichuan Artists Association, the vice-president of Flower-and-Bird Painting Committee, and a member of the Art Committee of Sichuan Chinese Painting Institute.
His works have been included into large publications and monographs such as The Chinese Contemporary Art Catalogue, The First Collection of Chinese Flower-and-Bird Paintings, and The Collection of Famous Contemporary Chinese Flowerand-Bird Paintings. And he holds the Achievement Award of Chinese Flower-and-Bird Paintings and Outstanding Talent Award of Contemporary Chinese Paintings.

pic A River of Pellucid Water Flows Slowly Outside the Green Mountains, and the Mountain Peaks Stand in the Beautiful Sunset
Painting on paper
368 cm × 145 cm